New Fitness App From Eric Su

Written on 08/27/2024
Eric Su

I hope your summer has gone as planned. It’s time for school with the kids or getting ready for fall and winter..

Either way, the time has come for getting back in the gym or on a new fitness program.


So, I am excited to share with you a different way to workout with Goality and me. I have done some research for a new fitness app that I think you will like. See above image of the app.


The reason is because it has features to track, encourage, and keep you accountable with me. There will be daily workouts and a schedule for you to follow. There will be measurements or progress tracking too.

It’s a great way to track your macros too. No more going to another app to figure it out.


This NEW app has everything for you to succeed and with me as your trainer and coach, you are going to see results… LOL.

At this time, I am building the workouts and plan so that when it launches, you can enjoy it and see results before you know it.


I am hoping to get the beta version together by September 15th, 2024.

There will be a one week trial and then if you like it you can purchase the monthly subscription.


Ok, that’s all for this one.

Until then,

Stay active and be safe

Eric Su


PS:  Let me know your thoughts about my new fitness app project with this 1 question feedback survey:  Click Here