3 Fall Fitness Tips

Written on 10/26/2023
Eric Su

The best time of the year is right around the corner. Yep, its fall and then it’s the holiday season!

When this time happens, I see a lot of rescheduling and a lot of parties to attend which can interrupt our workout routine…

So what can you do? Here are 3 fall fitness tips to help you out…


  1. Adjust your workout routine

We all need a backup routine that may not be so long to save time and so that we can still stay active. So a good backup routine is a 9 minute interval sequence where you will incorporate cardio, strength and core.

Try 3 min of cardio, 3 min of strength and 3 min of core. The cardio can be anything like running in place, steps, or a combination of movement to get the heart rate up.

Then go into simple strength movements like squats, push ups, and triceps dips. You can do each one for 30 seconds and repeat them or do each of them for 1 minute each.

Finally finish with 3 minutes of core. You can do forward crunches, oblique crunches and reverse crunches for 1 min each or split them up for 30 seconds and do them twice for 1 min each.

If you have more time, repeat the above 9 minutes. You are going to activate your heart, muscles and core which is always good.


  1. It’s ok to miss a workout

I understand life happens that prevents us from getting a workout in. This is no fault of your own. Because of this, try not to stress out too much about it and get ready for the next workout.

Manage what you can and let the other stuff not stress you out.


  1. Enjoy the foods around you

Sometimes we miss out on some great tasting food because of our fear of what will happen if you eat a carb for example. I hear it all the time…

The fact is that we don’t gain weight because we took a bite of a chocolate cake. The issue is when we overconsume that one item. Portion control is important and overall quantity is important to keep in mind.

There is a lot to discuss about how not to gain weight and why we gain weight, but the bottom line is that consuming too many calories, more than our bodies require, is the reason we gain weight.

Eat sensible, very nutritious foods, and more of this to keep a healthy weight and body.

Ok, I hope you enjoyed these tips. Implements all or some of these this fall and holiday season.

That’s all for this one

Until next time, stay active and be safe


Eric Su