How to workout with TRX

Posted on 10/07/2018

Recorded on Aug 28th, 2018

Ok, the routine went something like this:

Round 1 - Warm up - 5 minutes
3 upper exercises. 2 lower body exercises and then repeat once
Back row, biceps curl, shoulder raises, squats and lunges

Round 2 - 9 minute round
Strength and cardio intervals.
30 seconds of each exercise with 10 seconds of rest.

Core Round - 5 minutes
FW crunch, Oblique crunch, Leg raise toe touch, frog pulls, and plank
30 seconds each and 10 seconds rest
Repeat core exercise after you do them once for a total of 5 minutes.

Website Mentioned
1. Core Secrets Workshop -
2. Goality Fitness Online Membership -
3. Special Fitness Webclass -
4. Podcasts -
5. Youtube -

Ok, see you guys next week at 6:30pm CST

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