How to train cardio, core and strength outdoors with TRX

Posted on 10/07/2018

Recorded july 24th, 2018

Today's routine centers around the 1 minute exercise sets.

We worked on upper body and lower body as well as cardio.

Here are the exerices:
1. back
2. Biceps
3. Triceps
4. Squats
5. Lunges

Cardio exercies
1. High knees
2. Jumping jacks
3. Switch kicks
4. Speed skaters

Core Exercises
1. FW crunch
2. Oblique crunch
3. Leg raise Toe Reach
4. Frog Pulls
5. Plank

round 1 was 5 minutes and round 2 was 10 minutes (1 minute strength follwed by 1 minute cardio then repeat).

Ok, links mentioned:

1. Core Secrets Workshop -

2. Goality Fitness Membership site -

3. Main goality website -

Ok, share this with your friends that you care about.

See you next week at 6:30pm CST for another episode.