#171dr travis zigler: Natural Fixes For Dry Eyes

Posted on 11/06/2017

Dr. Travis Zigler graduated in 2010 from The Ohio State University College of Optometry with Magna Cum Laude honors. He is the founder of Eye Love, https://eyelovethesun.com, whose mission is to end preventable blindness. Dr. Travis and his wife, Dr. Jenna Zigler, use the profits from Eye Love to fund free and low cost clinics in South Carolina and Jamaica. They also started a charity called the Eye Love Cares Foundation, https://eyelovecares.org, which provides exams, glasses and sunglasses for those in need, free education, and scholarships for students that align with their mission. Dr. Travis enjoys traveling to Jamaica, training for marathons, and playing the ukulele while he drinks his morning coffee (French press... mmmm).


Eye Love: https://eyelovethesun.com/

Dry Eye Community: https://dryeyecommunity.com

Dry Eye Syndrome Support Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dryeyesupport/

Rethinking Dry Eye Treatment book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B076CLZ198

Eye Love Cares Foundation: https://eyelovecares.org

Eye Love’s Vision Vision / Mission: https://eyelovethesun.com/pages/2019-vivid-vision-for-eye-love

Eye Love Shop: https://eyelovethesun.com/collections/all

Eye Love on Amazon

Sunglasses: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA2JLGM9DE4Z30V&field-keywords=sunglasses
Dry Eye Products: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA2JLGM9DE4Z30V&field-keywords=dry+eyes
Business Consulting and Coaching

Business Igniters: https://www.facebook.com/Business-Igniters-165108987349546/

Dr. Travis Zigler: https://www.facebook.com/Dr-Travis-Zigler-261315727610737/

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