U 2.0 Fitness Assessment

Written on 07/07/2023
Eric Su

Your U 2.0 journey start here.  Begin with a fitness assessment to establish a base line.  This fitness assessment has 3 parts:

1.  Fitness Test

2.  Body Fat Measurment

3.  Body Circumference Measurment

After taking this assessment, you can retake the assessment in 4 week or sometime that you feel comfortable to assess your progress.  I would take it within 16 weeks though.

Waiting longer than 16 weeks would make charting your progress less accurate because you want to see if there is a trend happening.  If there is, then you can either continue doing what you are doing or you have to change some things.


To help you with this assessment, the following is my walk through video to show you how to do the assessment.

Below is the welcome video and at the bottom is the fitness assessment handout you can use to record your scores.

Below is the Strength Test Video

Below is the Cardio Test Video

Below is the Flexibility Test video

Below is the Balance Test Video

Below is the Body Measurement Video include body fat and bmi test.

Below is your fitness test assessment handout so that you can record your scores.  If you are on mobile, email it to yourself and print it out so that you can record your scores.

Fitness Test Assessment Fitness Test Assessment